Hi guys, having 2 young children like me, are you considering this


  • You don’t want your children to go on adult website or adult content on the internet
  • You don’t want your children to use a non approved app
  • You don’t want your children to share a photo with some unknown peoples
  • You don’t want your children to add some strange friends on Facebook, or messenger
  • You don’t want your children to do camera facetime with someone that you don’t know
  • You want to be able to easily see what they have been talking about on private chat
  • You don’t want your children to spend 193 a week on Netflix
  • You don’t want your children to be the vector of attack for a hacker into your home network
  • You don’t want your children to post herself on TikTok
  • You don’t want to spend the entire week trying to look out at his device to prevent all of the above, 
  • You don’t want your children to share their location with random folks
  • You don’t want your children to use any of your personal or professional credential on his device

To name a few ;), are you feeling like me about this?

So here are the best tactics that I found so far to overcome these risk and childproof it using parental protection:

  1. Enable children content protection on your router
  2. Enable children’s content protection on youtube apps on your children’s device.
  3. If you own an Apple device (iPad or iPhone),
    1. then enable children content protection
  4. If you own an Apple device (iPad or iPhone) Enable screen sharing the right way, it is by far the quickest and easiest way to get you started. With that, you will be able to
    1. Decide which app your kid can install
    2. YOu will be able to approve it before allowing it
    3. You will be able to bloc website, or simply allow the one you want
    4. Set app base restriction
    5. Controle the hours o
  5. Install messenger kid, it is made by default to have parental control on it
  6. Make sure to disable location service
  7. Set your router to be device-specific, and enable wifi only for a certain hour of the day/week

So this is a shortlist, for now,  will keep this post updated 

If you have any tips and tricks about it, let us know in the comments below 🙂