That it’s a kind of sarcasm right here 😉 Basically, I find it entertaining and informative to know what are the top most hacked password!  And for sure the password YOU must not use at all cost 🙂

#100 biteme

#99 1992

#98 london

#97 soccer

#96 william

#95 querty

#94 liverpool

#93 pussy

#92 admin123

#91 whatever

#90 dallas

#89 hockey

#88 test

#87 zaq1zaq1

#86 1q2w3e

#85 aaaaaa

#84 killer

#83 bandit

#82 ashley

#81 cookie

#80 merlin

#79 trustno1

#78 1991

#77 ranger

#76 chelsea

#75 banana

#74 jennifer

#73 1990

#72 amanda

#71 1989

#70 hunter

#69 nicole

#68 hello

#67 maverick

#66 blahblah

#65 mercedes

#64 corvette

#63 computer

#62 cheese

#61 ferrari

#60 starwars

#59 1qaz2wsx

#58 andrea

#57 lakers

#56 andrew

#55 12341234

#54 matthew

#53 robert

#52 1234

#51 sophie

#50 pepper

#49 joshua

#48 tigger

#47 55555

#46 jordan

#45 solo

#44 abcdef

#43 letmein

#42 ginger

#41 jessica

#40 222222

#39 harley

#38 george

#37 summer

#36 thomas

#35 hannah

#34 daniel

#33 buster

#32 baseball

#31 passw0rd

#30 shadow

#29 freedom

#28 bailey

#27 121212

#26 zxcvbnm

#25 qwerty123

#24 password1

#23 donald

#22 aa123456

#21 charlie

#20 !@#$%^&*

#19 654321

#18 monkey

#17 123123

#16 football

#15 abc123

#14 666666

#13 welcome

#12 admin

#11 princess

#10 iloveyou

#9 qwerty

#8 sunshine

#7 1234567

#6 111111

#5 12345

#4 12345678

#3 123456789

#2 password

#1 123456 . (BIG BIG WINNER :))

So please, help me help you, don’t be in this list .   And  well, this is also a very good reason to  stop using easy password  and get yourself a password manager

Hope this was entertaining and informative. 

See ya