Ok, guys, I will start posting quick and easy tips and tricks to enhance your technological journey. The one today is in regards to anyone who got an Apple device. 

Do you have an iPhone? Ipad? Are you taking pictures with it?

Did you know that all of that is most likely going directly to the cloud (which is a good thing in terms of backup,  accessibility and more)

The problem with that is you also need to make sure that your cloud account is properly protected, if not, someone could gain access to it and get a hand on your photo right?

By default, I realize that the 2-factor authentication protection is not enabled by default on your iCloud account. 

So I am urging you to go and activate this option right away. 


To get that activated, go on appleid.apple.com and look for your TWO-FACTOR-AUTHENTICATION and turn it on


Once you do this, the next time you will try to log into your icloud.com account, you should be welcomed by this: 

So there you go,  by doing this, takes around 5-10 minutes, you now increase your privacy security by a lot!
